Still trying to beat my site record !

The forecast for tuesday 24th July for Laragne Chabre and surrounding areas was very good and we were several pilots to take advantage to the conditions. Alain and I took off at 11.20 which is early for the Chabre but we were already too late. I had in mind a big triangle and took my first turn point near to the Mont Ventoux. I then went NNE to within about 30 km of Grenoble. And then SE along the edge of the Ecrins. Here the thermal were very powerful and turbulent and beyond my turbulence threshold and I left each thermal before cloudbase. Further south on the Blanche it was now later and the conditions were calmer and much more enjoyable. I could have continue down to Saint André to try to pass the 300 km mark again, but with the increasing west wind and the dying sky, I chose to try to get back to Laragne instead. This was the right decision as I just made it back with a few hundred meters to spare and landed at 19h15 which is too early but the day ended early. I completed a 288 km FAI triangle.
Only a few days previously Alain and I landed at Saint André at nearly 20h30 as did Marcus E. 

See my flight : 
